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P/E Ratios Since 1990

PE Ratios 1990.png

S&P 500 Last Twelve Months P/E Ratio Since 1959

PE Ratios Fell.png

Equity Corrections Unrelated to Recessions Occur More Frequently, But Recessionary Ones Tend to be More Severe Since 1987

Equity Corrections.png

Average Stock Fund Investor Return vs. Average Stock Fund Return Since 1998

Average Stock Fund.png

Global Investment Landscape: Focus on Facts, not Feelings (United States)

United States.png

Morgan Stanley Capital Index Emerging Markets P/E Ratio vs. S&P 500

MSCI Emerging.png

Morgan Stanley Capital Index Europe, Australasia and Far East P/E Ratio vs. S&P 500 Since 1998


Cumulative Return for Three Hypothetical Investment Scenarios (2008-2009)

Cumulative Return.png

Emerging Markets Since 1995

Emerging .png

Performance from Yield Curve Inversion to Recession Since 1976

Performance from Yield.png

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